How to Breastfeed and Bottle Feed

It's perfectly possible to combine breastfeeding with bottle-feeding using formula milk or expressed breastmilk. It's often called mixed feeding or combination feeding. Experts recommend waiting until your baby is six to eight weeks old to try combination feeding if you can. But you may have good reason for trying earlier than this. And combination feeding may mean you're more likely to carry on partial breastfeeding than give it up completely.

When is it OK to combine breast and bottle-feeding?

How soon you can start may depend on why you want to try mixed feeding. Your baby may be finding it difficult to breastfeed, for example, or you may worry that you're not producing or expressing enough breastmilk. In these cases, you may need to top up breastfeeds with formula, so that your baby doesn't lose weight.

You may have been bottle-feeding your baby, but now you're ready to start or resume breastfeeding. Or you may want to share feeds with your partner, so you're expressing breastmilk that they can use in a bottle. You may have to leave your baby for a short period, and you want to make sure they're getting your breastmilk while you're away.

If you have an older baby, you may want to introduce a bottle now that you're going back to work.

If there's no urgent reason for your baby to start having bottle feeds, experts recommend waiting until you and your baby have got the hang of breastfeeding. This can take around six to eight weeks. Combining breast and bottle sooner than this may affect your milk supply. There's also some evidence to suggest that young babies learn to use a different sucking technique with a bottle, which can make breastfeeding more difficult.

How do I to start combination feeding?

Once you've decided to introduce bottle-feeding it's best to do it gradually. So when you want to cut down on breastfeeds, try to do it one feed at a time. This will stop your breasts becoming uncomfortably engorged and leaky. It will also reduce your risk of developing mastitis.

How can I bond with my baby during a bottle feed?

Midwife Chantelle Winstanley talks about how you use the time you spend bottle-feeding with your baby can help your bonding. More baby videos

It will take around five to seven days for your breasts to adjust to missing one feed. Try dropping one feed a week, perhaps starting with a daytime feed.

How can I keep my milk supply up if I'm combining breast with formula feeding?

Continuing night feeds is important for maintaining your supply, at least until your baby drops them altogether anyway. This is because the hormone that helps milk production, prolactin, is highest at night. Making feeding times as regular as possible will also help keep your supply up for the times you need it, because when you swap a breastfeed for a bottle of formula, your usual supply at that time of day will reduce.

If you've dropped the daytime feeds when you go back to work, you'll still have a good supply in the morning and evening. A breastfeed when you return from work is a lovely way for you and your baby to be reunited after your time apart.

At around six months, the amount of milk your baby needs will gradually reduce as they start solids. Your baby may then only be taking breastfeeds at either end of the day. You could give them expressed breastmilk, formula milk, or water in a beaker during the daytime. This would cut out the need for bottles altogether.

How can I help my baby get used to combination feeding?

If you have been exclusively breastfeeding your baby so far, they may be reluctant to take a bottle at first. The different sucking actions needed may confuse them and they may not take a bottle from you if they can smell breastmilk. This is sometimes called nipple confusion.

To begin with, ask someone else to offer your baby a bottle. Try a variety of bottle teats, softened with warm, boiled water. Wait until your baby is relaxed and happy, rather than cross and hungry.

Another tip is to hold your baby in a different position from your usual breastfeeding one. Prop up your baby against your front, facing away from you. It may help them get used to the new way of feeding.

More advice and tips on bottle-feeding:

  • Bottle-feeding for beginners
  • How to give a bottle-feed
  • Sterilising bottle-feeding equipment


NCT. 2019. Mixed feeding: combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding. NCT, Baby and toddler. [Accessed August 2021]

NHS. 2018. Helping your baby to sleep. NHS, Health A-Z. [Accessed August 2021]

NHS. 2019. How to combine breast and bottle. NHS, Health A-Z, Baby. [Accessed August 2021]

NHS. 2020. How to stop breastfeeding. NHS, Health A-Z, Baby. [Accessed August 2021]

Twins Trust. nd. Mixed feeding. Twins Trust, Parenting. [Accessed August 2021]

Lorna Marsh

Lorna Marsh is senior editor at BabyCentre. She has more than 20 years' journalism and editing experience, including working for the NHS.


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